Visiting Dubai? Please pass by and say hi!
Find ZÓLDI corner in Emirates Headquarters
If you are visiting Dubai, you should definitely come and visit our Cute Travel Corner, located in the main building of Emirates Headquarters. Special memories connect me with this place - I was a flight attendant for 11 years!
#5 minutes with
Magical Photo Project with Anny Hall
Collabs, Collabs & Collabs ! We are always so excited about new photoshoots Involving the creative bloggers, vloggers & photographers !
#5 minutes with
Meet the founder
Maria Soldatova is the Founder of ZÓLDI Jewels. She is super easy to chat over a cup of coffee, and she's got ability to make friends even with the grumpiest person in the world. ZÓLDI Journal discovered details about her passion and found out why the phrase "You live once, just make it happen" is magical.